Autor: adminKayrros
Europe Steel Mill Recovery Runs out of Steam
Executive Summary After a roller-coaster year in steel production amid Covid-19 shutdowns, the recovery in European steel mill utilization rates has stalled. Kayrros measures
COLONIAL UPDATE: Geospatial data track the market response to the pipeline disruption in near realtime
Colonial Pipeline, a top supplier of oil products in the US East Coast, the region known as PADD 1 in oil statistics, suffered an
France’s Landes de Gascogne Forest Has a 3D Geospatial Twin Guardian
Imagine being able to take a stereoscopic image from space of anything on Earth, and then use this image to build a 3D digital
Assessing the Potential Impacts of a Long-Term Leasing Moratorium on Federal Lands
Following the Biden Administration’s decision to halt new oil and gas leasing activities across federal lands and offshore waters pending the outcome of a
Has oil demand been permanently altered by Covid-19?
COVID-19 at its peak caused the steepest demand drop in oil history, albeit with stark differences across fuel types and sectors of economic activity.
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