Schlagwort: Blog

Inside Kayrros Leadership Series: Thomas Lauvaux, Senior Researcher at the LSCE and Kayrros advisor, leverages atmospheric measurements and satellites for climate policy change

It’s time to train a workforce to fight climate policies with alternative data “We used to do drive-arounds in Texas. People had instruments on

Reassessing the Oil Demand Impact of COVID-19

The global oil industry has been doubly hit by the COVID-19 pandemic: by the collapse in oil demand triggered by the lockdowns and by

Tanks Must Be This Full to Ride: The Demand Roller Coaster

Kayrros examines road traffic signals in the US and reveals that the decline in US demand has slowed and may be on a path

International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) to publish six scientific research papers by Kayrros and Université Paris-Saclay

The papers introduce new image processing techniques that will progress the science driving geospatial monitoring Kayrros is very pleased to announce that six scientific

Too Full or Not Too Full: The Cushing Paradox

The oil market was shaken to its core when NYMEX WTI prompt contract prices, for the first time in history, fell into negative territory.

China Crude Demand Rebounds as the Rest of Asia Reels from COVID-19

China and its neighboring Asian countries are exhibiting different crude demand profiles just a few months after the first cases of coronavirus Implied crude

All Dressed Up with Nowhere to Flow

Too little too late: US tight oil activity plummets in March, but not enough to prevent a historic crash in WTI In the wake

The Lockdown: Making Sense of the Supply Cuts

The back-to-back OPEC+ and G20 meetings resulted in the largest (in volume) and broadest (in participants) production cut deal in oil history and seem

A Tale of Two Countries: Coronavirus Impacts on Energy Demand in China and India

The coronavirus outbreak is impacting energy demand in the world’s most populous countries, China and India, on different timescales China was the first economy

Kayrros Scientific Partnerships: Collaborating with France’s Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et Environnement (LSCE) on emissions tracking

Whether tracking crude oil supplies or methane emissions, Kayrros has always practiced a culture of collaboration and partnership with a range of external scientific