
Innovation for the long term: Kayrros celebrates its 2-year anniversary

Kayrros was founded two years ago on the vision of five individuals who wanted greater transparency in the traditionally opaque energy industry. Through their guidance — and the backing of our investors — we are continuing to grow and expand as a company and incorporate cutting-edge technologies, like artificial intelligence and satellite imagery, to provide predictive analysis on the global energy market. Currently, our reports are provided to top players, representing almost 38 million barrels of crude oil that is traded daily.

The energy market provides a landscape that is unusually difficult to extract traditional sources of data from

The energy market provides a landscape that is unusually difficult to extract traditional sources of data from. It is often subject to continual revisions as facts and figures emerge on global supply and demand. In the past, this has meant that investment and trading decisions have often been out of phase with market needs, resulting in sub-optimal financial performance. By harnessing propriety technology over the last two years, along with developing an innovative and dedicated team, Kayrros has established itself as a leader in bringing greater transparency to energy markets worldwide. With thousands of reports and analyses already published, Kayrros insights now form part of the workflow of some of the world’s largest energy traders.

Commenting on the start-up company’s rapid growth and market penetration, Antoine Rostand, Kayrros president remarked: “When our initial team of nine gathered in Paris in April 2016, we had little knowledge of just how fast or how far we could grow. But since we are backed by private investors, guided by advisory boards of industry experts in Europe and the US, and able to recruit an exceptional team of young data scientists and petroleum engineers, we quickly developed an innovative range of insightful products that help our subscribers make better energy investment decisions.”

With a team of 80 energy and data science experts representing 16 nationalities including 15 PhDs and more than 50 masters in mathematics, data science, energy and software engineering, based in offices in Paris, New York, Houston and San Francisco, Kayrros delivers valuable insight in near real time to energy analysts and investors on a broad range of market-relevant energy data as broad as lithium production in Peru or gasoline consumption in India. The company’s network of established offices is expanding rapidly, with new teams moving into offices in London, Dubai, and Singapore.

Kayrros is also developing a new range of products focused on the balance between energy sources and the environment. Recently, Kayrros was announced as the winner of the Big Data award at the recent Innovation 2030 Commission awards in Paris for the company’s Generating Reliable information for Energy and Environment (GREEN) program.

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