Schlagwort: Blog

Market View: Tank Tops and Game Theory

Perhaps for the first time in its history, the oil market is about to test storage capacity limits Perhaps for the first time in

COVID-19 III: China crude stocks surge amid drop in refinery runs

The coronavirus is continuing to ripple through markets, shuttering China’s industries leaving the global supply chain vulnerable to large-scale disruptions As the spread of

Inside Kayrros Leadership Series: Alexandre d’Aspremont, leader in the fields of mathematical programming & machine learning, on why he’s involved with Kayrros

When mathematical optimization, machine learning and energy meet “We are basically quantifying crucial issues like energy patterns or global emissions at planet scale, using

Through the Smoke — Kayrros Observes Nine Units Under Repair at Baton Rouge Refinery

Kayrros monitoring shows nine units remain idle and are undergoing repairs at the 502,000 b/d Baton Rouge refinery Kayrros monitoring shows nine units remain

COVID-19 II: For Chinese Crude Oil Demand, the Worst Has Yet to Come

The coronavirus is continuing to take its toll on the Chinese economy, driving oil demand down and shuttering many of the country’s industrial facilities

Inside Kayrros Leadership Series: Jean-Michel Lasry on using classical mathematics and modern technology to find the meaning in data

To change the planet, we have to measure it “When did I start to have an interest in mathematics? As soon as I was

COVID-19 I: Chinese Crude Demand Plummets Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

The coronavirus epidemic had already shaved 3 percentage points off of Chinese crude oil demand growth as of end-January, Kayrros oil market monitoring reveals.

Carbon Monoxide Concentrations Over Australia Intensify Amid Ongoing Wildfires

A state of emergency has been declared in Australia amid ongoing wildfires that have so far killed at least 28 people and forced thousands

The Potential Impact of a US Fracking Ban

The idea of a ban on hydraulic fracturing has — perhaps predictably — proved polarizing since being recently aired in the US presidential primary

Inside Kayrros: Senior Analyst Laila El-Ashmawy on digging for the stories in satellite data

It’s 12pm and Kayrros Senior Analyst Laila El-Ashmawy is caught between three time zones, sitting in a phone booth in the Paris headquarters talking