Category: Emissions

COP27 | Global Methane Pledge scorecard: Time is Running Out

Key points Overall basin-level emissions are roughly unchanged and have failed to deliver the 7% annual reduction needed to meet the Global Methane Pledge

Closing the “Gates of Hell”

The Darvaza “Gates of Hell” gas crater in Turkmenistan has been making headlines after the country’s President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov vowed to extinguish its flames

Glasgow was a Kayrros moment

In many ways, the Glasgow Climate Pact signed by nearly 200 countries on November 13 has highlighted the need for more robust measurements of

There’s more to Shell’s Permian exit than cutting GHG emissions

When Royal Dutch Shell announced its decision to divest its Permian tight oil assets in mid-September, most market commentators jumped on the notion that

Taking climate action now—how satellite data can help

Atmospheric measurements empower fossil fuel producers to cut methane emissions faster, at lower cost Unlike carbon emissions, which are comparatively easy to estimate but

Methane Emissions from Australia’s Bowen Basin

Kayrros scientists measure an average 1.6 million tons of methane per year emitted from the basin’s coal mines Executive Summary: The coal sector is

Assessing the Potential Impacts of a Long-Term Leasing Moratorium on Federal Lands

Following the Biden Administration’s decision to halt new oil and gas leasing activities across federal lands and offshore waters pending the outcome of a

Close the Valve: Methane Emissions from Pipeline Networks

Better operating practices offer significant opportunities for mitigation. Over the last two years, we at Kayrros have detected hundreds of methane hotspots in the

Carbon Monoxide Concentrations Across the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range Rise Fivefold

Kayrros measured spikes in carbon monoxide (CO) levels as wildfires rage through the region As wildfires blaze through the West Coast—killing over 33 people,

Quantifying Methane Emissions: The Time is Now

Climate change is top of mind for both business leaders and governments. Efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have mostly focused on carbon dioxide