Category: Demand

COLONIAL UPDATE: Geospatial data track the market response to the pipeline disruption in near realtime

Colonial Pipeline, a top supplier of oil products in the US East Coast, the region known as PADD 1 in oil statistics, suffered an

Covid-19 Boosts Jet Fuel Demand in Top US Cargo Hubs

Kayrros data show some surprising insights into US jet fuel demand throughout the past year, highlighting that especially in the case of COVID-19, things

Kayrros Jet Fuel Demand: China Jet Fuel Demand Falls 20 % M/M in January 2021

Kayrros data show China’s jet fuel demand fell in January from December 2020, ahead of the Chinese New Year. Domestic air travel, which had

Has oil demand been permanently altered by Covid-19?

COVID-19 at its peak caused the steepest demand drop in oil history, albeit with stark differences across fuel types and sectors of economic activity.

China Crude Demand Rebounds as the Rest of Asia Reels from COVID-19

China and its neighboring Asian countries are exhibiting different crude demand profiles just a few months after the first cases of coronavirus Implied crude

A Tale of Two Countries: Coronavirus Impacts on Energy Demand in China and India

The coronavirus outbreak is impacting energy demand in the world’s most populous countries, China and India, on different timescales China was the first economy

COVID-19 III: China crude stocks surge amid drop in refinery runs

The coronavirus is continuing to ripple through markets, shuttering China’s industries leaving the global supply chain vulnerable to large-scale disruptions As the spread of

COVID-19 II: For Chinese Crude Oil Demand, the Worst Has Yet to Come

The coronavirus is continuing to take its toll on the Chinese economy, driving oil demand down and shuttering many of the country’s industrial facilities

COVID-19 I: Chinese Crude Demand Plummets Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

The coronavirus epidemic had already shaved 3 percentage points off of Chinese crude oil demand growth as of end-January, Kayrros oil market monitoring reveals.

Through a Glass Darkly — Why OPEC Cuts Appear to Have Fallen Flat

When macroeconomic concerns cloud the oil market outlook so darkly that even bullish OPEC news fails to stem a selloff as seemed to happen