The Global Methane Pledge, Three Years On: Partial Progress Report

Kayrros Carbon Watch introduces EU carbon emissions forecasts

Kayrros is proud to announce a significant enhancement to Carbon Watch, aimed at providing the most complete and comprehensive view of carbon emissions within


Kayrros launches Equity Tracker to provide equity investors with company performance insights in near realtime

18 January 2023 – Kayrros, a world leader in digital MRV and earth and asset observation, has launched Equity Tracker, a company performance tracker

As the oil market enters uncharted waters, new data technologies offer sorely needed navigation tool

The covid-19 pandemic has delivered a brutal shock to an oil and gas industry that was already ailing before the outbreak. Just as importantly,

US Facilities Still Operating at Low Utilization Rates as of June 22

Kayrros detected one restart and two outages in the week ended June 21 US facilities are operating at the lowest utilization rates since January

Unconventional Focus: Fracs Reach Untold Depths

In April, US tight oil completions dropped to the lowest level of activity in any single month since 2016. When plummeting demand due to

Well Completions Fall to Levels Not Seen Since the Beginning of the Shale Revolution

The completions count fell by 48% m/m in April 2020 while DUC wells increased by 717 After holding steady at the end of Q1,

Inside Kayrros Leadership Series: Thomas Lauvaux, Senior Researcher at the LSCE and Kayrros advisor, leverages atmospheric measurements and satellites for climate policy change

It’s time to train a workforce to fight climate policies with alternative data “We used to do drive-arounds in Texas. People had instruments on

Reassessing the Oil Demand Impact of COVID-19

The global oil industry has been doubly hit by the COVID-19 pandemic: by the collapse in oil demand triggered by the lockdowns and by