Using satellite data and dynamic monitoring, our product brings transparency to the growing market of renewable energy. Kayrros provides more accurate, near real-time information on the construction progress of projects.
Enhance your risk models, perform portfolio due diligence, benchmark performance and monitor the supply of renewable energy to the market.
Know what’s happening months ahead of filings and company guidance. Be the first to know of any issues with the development of the project.
Kayrros provides a comprehensive view of project development: from the start of the construction to its completion with frequent updates and alerts.
Single project analytics
Gain complete visibility into your project’s development by utilizing a single view that enables you to easily identify any issues, ensuring transparency without the need for people on the ground.
Company portfolio view
Stay ahead of the competition and ensure portfolio success by proactively monitoring project progress. Easily identify top-performing developers and gain valuable insights for informed investment decisions that maximize returns.
Receive forecast updates for your selected projects.
Project Dashboard
Get access to a dashboard for a detailed view and key metrics.
Timely alerts that keep you informed on the project’s development.
Battery Storage Construction Monitor
Improve your gas and power and/or equity trading strategy with near-realtime battery construction data.
Solar Construction Monitor
Forecast new supply, monitor project progress and improve hedging positions with a complete view of the solar energy market
Forest Carbon Monitor
Evaluate the performance of climate action project with insightful data on nature-based solutions
Kayrros launches Equity Tracker to provide equity investors with company performance insights in near realtime
KAPSARC and Kayrros Unveil Saudi Arabia’s Methane Emission Landscape Using Satellite Technology
Global Methane Pledge signatories failing in bid to cut emissions by 30% by 2030, Kayrros data shows