Nord Stream : quel sera l’impact environnemental des fuites de gaz?

Les deux gazoducs percés au large du Danemark émettent dans l’atmosphère des milliers de mètres cubes de méthane, l’un des plus puissants gaz à…

Climate graphic of the week: China coal power generation nears record during heatwave

Use of the fossil fuel surges in August to meet electricity gap created by drought in hydropower-producing areas…

Tracking Down Products Linked to Deforestation

The role of remote sensing technologies in implementing the EU legislation on deforestation-free products….

Putin’s War Threatens Europe’s Ambitious Climate Goals

The EU last year proposed a radical decarbonization plan, but Russia’s invasion has forced several countries to burn more coal and build new gas…

Global patterns of daily CO2 emissions reductions in the first year of COVID-19

Day-to-day changes in CO2 emissions from human activities, in particular fossil-fuel combustion and cement production, reflect a complex balance of influences from seasonality, working days,…

World pledged to cut methane. Emissions rising instead, study finds.

Kayrros, a firm that analyzes satellite data, says emissions of the potent greenhouse gas ‘appear to be going in the wrong direction’…